io.h Definitions for low level I/O functions.

Copyright (c) Borland International 1987,1988
All Rights Reserved.
#if __STDC__
#define _Cdecl
#define _Cdecl cdecl

#ifndef _IO_H
#define _IO_H 1

#define HANDLE_MAX 20U

extern unsigned int _Cdecl _openfd[];

struct ftime {
unsigned ft_tsec : 5; /* Two second interval */
unsigned ft_min : 6; /* Minutes */
unsigned ft_hour : 5; /* Hours */
unsigned ft_day : 5; /* Days */
unsigned ft_month : 4; /* Months */
unsigned ft_year : 7; /* Year */

#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define SEEK_SET 0

int  _Cdecl access (const char *path, int amode);
int  _Cdecl _chmod (const char *path, int func, ... /* int attr */);
int  _Cdecl chmod (const char *path, int amode);
int  _Cdecl chsize (int handle, long size);
int  _Cdecl _close (int handle);
int  _Cdecl close (int handle);
int  _Cdecl _creat (const char *path, int attribute);
int  _Cdecl creat (const char *path, int amode);
int  _Cdecl creatnew (const char *path, int mode); /* DOS 3.0 or later */
int  _Cdecl creattemp (char *path, int amode); /* DOS 3.0 or later */
int  _Cdecl dup (int handle);
int  _Cdecl dup2 (int oldhandle, int newhandle);
int  _Cdecl eof (int handle);
long _Cdecl filelength (int handle);
int  _Cdecl getftime (int handle, struct ftime *ftimep);
int  _Cdecl ioctl (int handle, int func, ...);
/* optional 3rd and 4th args are: void * argdx, int argcx */
int  _Cdecl isatty (int handle);
int  _Cdecl lock (int handle, long offset, long length);
long _Cdecl lseek (int handle, long offset, int fromwhere);
int  _Cdecl _open (const char *path, int oflags);
int  _Cdecl open (const char *path, int access,... /*unsigned mode*/);
int  _Cdecl _read (int handle, void *buf, unsigned len);
int  _Cdecl read (int handle, void *buf, unsigned len);
int  _Cdecl setftime (int handle, struct ftime *ftimep);
int  _Cdecl setmode (int handle, int amode);
long _Cdecl tell (int handle);
unsigned _Cdecl umask (unsigned cmask);
int  _Cdecl unlink (const char *path);
int  _Cdecl unlock (int handle, long offset, long length);
int  _Cdecl _write (int handle, void *buf, unsigned len);
int  _Cdecl write (int handle, void *buf, unsigned len);

/* macros for compatibility with earlier versions & other compilers. */
#define sopen(path,access,shflag,mode) open (path, (access)|(shflag), mode)

#endif /* _IO_H */

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