MCDISPLY Programming in C

/* Turbo C - (C) Copyright 1987,1988 by Borland International */

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "mcalc.h"

static unsigned char colortable[256];

void setcolor(int color)
/* Sets the current color using the color table */
} /* setcolor */

void writef(int col, int row, int color, int width, va_list arg_list, ...)
/* Prints a string in video memory at a selected location in a color */
 va_list arg_ptr;
 char *format;
 char output[81];
 int len;

 va_start(arg_ptr, arg_list);
 format = arg_list;
 vsprintf(output, format, arg_ptr);
 output[width] = 0;
 if ((len = strlen(output)) < width)
  setmem(&output[len], width - len, ' ');
 gotoxy(col, row);
} /* writef */

void scroll(int direction, int lines, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
            int attrib)
/* Scrolls an area of the screen */
  if (lines == 0)
    window(x1, y1, x2, y2);
  else switch(direction)
    case UP :
      movetext(x1, y1 + lines, x2, y2, x1, y1);
      window(x1, y2 - lines + 1, x2, y2);
    case DOWN :
      movetext(x1, y1, x2, y2 - lines, x1, y1 + lines);
      window(x1, y1, x2, y1 + lines - 1);
    case LEFT :
      movetext(x1 + lines, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1);
      window(x2 - lines + 1, y1, x2, y2);
    case RIGHT :
      movetext(x1, y1, x2 - lines, y2, x1 + lines, y1);
      window(x1, y1, x1 + lines - 1, y2);
  } /* switch */
  window(1, 1, 80, 25);
} /* scroll */

void setcursor(unsigned int shape)
/* Sets the shape of the cursor */
 union REGS reg;

 reg.h.ah = 1; = shape;
 int86(0X10, &reg, &reg);
} /* setcursor */

unsigned int getcursor(void)
/* Returns the shape of the current cursor */
 union REGS reg;

 reg.h.ah = 3; = 0;
 int86(0X10, &reg, &reg);
} /* getcursor */

void changecursor(insmode)
/* Changes the cursor shape based on the current insert mode */
 if (insmode)
} /* changecursor */

void printcol(void)
/* Prints the column headings */
 int col;
 char colstr[MAXCOLWIDTH + 1];

 scroll(UP, 0, 1, 2, 80, 2, HEADERCOLOR);
 for (col = leftcol; col <= rightcol; col++)
  centercolstring(col, colstr);
  writef(colstart[col - leftcol] + 1, 2, HEADERCOLOR, colwidth[col], colstr);
} /* printcol */

void clearlastcol()
/* Clears any data left in the last column */
 int col;

 if ((col = colstart[rightcol - leftcol] + colwidth[rightcol]) < 80)
  scroll(UP, 0, col + 1, 3, 80, SCREENROWS + 2, WHITE);
} /* clearlastcol */

void printrow(void)
/* Prints the row headings */
 int row;

 for (row = 0; row < SCREENROWS; row++)
  writef(1, row + 3, HEADERCOLOR, LEFTMARGIN, "%-d", row + toprow + 1);
} /* printrow */

void displaycell(int col, int row, int highlighting, int updating)
/* Displays the contents of a cell */
 int color;
 char *s;

 if ((updating) &&
     ((cell[col][row] == NULL) || (cell[col][row]->attrib != FORMULA)))
 s = cellstring(col, row, &color, FORMAT);
 if (highlighting)
  if (color == ERRORCOLOR)
 writef(colstart[col - leftcol] + 1, row - toprow + 3, color, colwidth[col],
        "%s", s);
} /* displaycell */

void displaycol(int col, int updating)
/* Displays a column on the screen */
 int row;

 for (row = toprow; row <= bottomrow; row++)
  displaycell(col, row, NOHIGHLIGHT, updating);
} /* displaycol */

void displayrow(int row, int updating)
/* Displays a row on the screen */
 int col;

 for (col = leftcol; col <= rightcol; col++)
  displaycell(col, row, NOHIGHLIGHT, updating);
} /* displayrow */

void displayscreen(int updating)
/* Displays the current screen of the spreadsheet */
 int row;

 for (row = toprow; row <= bottomrow; row++)
  displayrow(row, updating);
} /* displayscreen */

void clearinput(void)
/* Clears the input line */
 scroll(UP, 0, 1, 25, 80, 25, WHITE);
 gotoxy(1, 25);
} /* clearinput */

void showcelltype(void)
/* Prints the type of cell and what is in it */
 char colstr[3], *s;
 int color;

 formdisplay = !formdisplay;
 s = cellstring(curcol, currow, &color, NOFORMAT);
 colstring(curcol, colstr);
 if (curcell == NULL)
  writef(1, 23, CELLTYPECOLOR, 80, "%s%d %s", colstr, currow + 1, MSGEMPTY);
 else switch(curcell->attrib)
  case TEXT :
   writef(1, 23, CELLTYPECOLOR, 80, "%s%d %s", colstr, currow + 1,
  case VALUE :
   writef(1, 23, CELLTYPECOLOR, 80, "%s%d %s", colstr, currow + 1,
  case FORMULA :
   writef(1, 23, CELLTYPECOLOR, 80, "%s%d %s", colstr, currow + 1,
 } /* switch */
 writef(1, 24, CELLCONTENTSCOLOR, 80, "%s", s);
 formdisplay = !formdisplay;
} /* showcelltype */

void redrawscreen(void)
/* Displays the entire screen */
} /* redrawscreen */

void initcursor(void)
/* Initializes the different cursor types */
 struct text_info ti;

 oldcursor = getcursor();
 if (ti.currmode == MONO)
  shortcursor = 0x0A0C;
  tallcursor = 0x090C;
  shortcursor = 0x0607;
  tallcursor = 0x0507;
} /* initcursor */

void initcolortable(void)
/* Sets up the color table */
  int color, fg, bg, fcolor, bcolor;
  struct text_info ti;

  if (ti.currmode == C80)
    for (color = 0; color <= 255; color++)
      colortable[color] = color;
    for (fg = BLACK; fg <= WHITE; fg++)
      if (fg == BLACK)
        fcolor = BLACK;
      else if (fg <= LIGHTGRAY)
        fcolor = LIGHTGRAY;
        fcolor = WHITE;
      for (bg = BLACK; bg <= LIGHTGRAY; bg++)
        if (bg == BLACK)
          bcolor = BLACK;
          if (fcolor == WHITE)
            fcolor = BLACK;
          bcolor = LIGHTGRAY;
        colortable[fg + (bg << 4)] = fcolor + (bcolor << 4);
    for (fg = 128; fg <= 255; fg++)
      colortable[fg] = colortable[fg - 128] | 0x80;
} /* initcolortable */

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