Python command line: input method does not require the transport can be entered

Coding = utf-8 # 
# From: Python-CN Group: 
# Q: # raw_input input will be needed to complete the transport input There is no need to enter a carriage return can input methods. 

# A: (by Leo Jay) 
# You do not say what platform you are, you want exhausted me :) 
on # windows platform is very simple, msvcrt library has a direct function getch can handle. 
The # linux on the tired, use the termios module, modify the properties of the terminal is non-canonical mode, giving you a look at some code to 
Import SYS 
Import termios 

fd SYS stdin fileno () old = termios . tcgetattr ( fd ) new = termios . tcgetattr ( fd ) new [ ] = new [ ] & ~ termios . ICANON TRY: termios . tcsetattr ( fd , termios . TCSADRAIN , new ) while True : input = SYS . stdin . Read ( 1 ) Print 'get' , input if input == 'q' :break finally : termios . tcsetattr ( fd , termios . TCSADRAIN , old )

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