How to fix authentication error in a sub folder?

How to fix authentication error in a sub folder?

Server Error in '/' Application.
Configuration Error


An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message:

 It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.  This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

Source Error:

Line 8:         <compilation debug="true">
Line 9:         </compilation>
Line 10:        <authentication mode="Windows"/>
Line 11:        <customErrors mode="Off"/>
Line 12:    </system.web>

Source File: d:hostingmydomainmysubfolderweb.config    Line: 10

Version Information: 

Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3625; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3634

How to fix naive server implementation with CFSocket to allow multiple connections

How to fix naive server implementation with CFSocket to allow multiple connections By Naim Hashmi

- (void) _acceptConnection:(int)fd
    int     junk;

// If we already have a connection, reject this new one.  This is one of the
// big simplifying assumptions in this code.  A real server should handle
// multiple simultaneous connections.

    if ( self.isReceiving ) {
        junk = close(fd);
        assert(junk == 0);
    } else {
        [self _startReceive:fd];

// Called by CFSocket when someone connects to our listening socket.
// This implementation just bounces the request up to Objective-C.
static void AcceptCallback(CFSocketRef s,
                           CFSocketCallBackType type,
                           CFDataRef address,
                           const void *data,
                           void *info)

    ReceiveServer *  obj;

    assert(type == kCFSocketAcceptCallBack);

    assert(data != NULL);

    obj = (ReceiveServer *) info;
    assert(obj != nil);

    assert(s == obj->_listeningSocket);

    [obj _acceptConnection:*(int *)data];

How to play Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad Multiplayer

How to play Red Orchestra 2 Heroes of Stalingrad Multiplayer By Naim Hashmi

Follow my instructions follow these links :
3.The fastest torrent of the game found yet : Download ( Note : if u dont have the SKIDROW version Download First)

Proceed to the next steps :

1- Install the game (SKIDROW RELEASE)

2- Dont copy or crack anything after the installation (VERY IMPORTANT)

3- Extract Red Orchestra 2 Modronic's Multiplayer Fix (Anywhere) Then :

   A- Install Skidrow update 1 found in the archive and again dont copy or crack anything even after the update just make a clean installation and a clean update

   B- Copy all the files from Steam Fix folder to the game main folder (Binaries\Win32)  (Overwrite everything)

- Note : If you have copied any cracked contend before from Skidrow or other cracks u still can make this work by a clean installation of Skidrow update 1 without copying any cracked content after the setup then proceed with Step B

   C- (Install Steam if u dont have it installed already and close the application if it is running) Then copy all the files from Smart Steam folder to the original steam version main folder  EX : (C:\Program Files\Steam)  (Overwrite everything) Then start SmartSteam.exe and log in without updating (VERY IMPORTANT)

4- Install Tunngle and start it then after sigining in go to Community\Networks\Browser then under tactical shooter u will find Red orchestra 2 server

5- Run the game, Open the console {Press F3} then type in : Open Server-IP    Example : Open

Note : Server you choose will be Authorized by Steam.

Tag: red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad system requirements, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad gameplay, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad review, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad download, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad mods, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad trainer, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad game, red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad system requirements pc.

iTunes Error 3014 Fix By Naim Hashmi

iTunes error 3014 occurs because iTunes is unable to connect to Apple's server in order to download all necessary data to update your iPhone

How to Edit HOSTS File on Windows:

Step 1: Launch Notepad or any text editing tool. Now, launch windows explorer or press Windows + E, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and then in ETC directory open HOSTS file with Notepad.
Step 2: Then just simply remove from your HOSTS file and then save it.

How to Edit HOSTS File on Mac:

Step 1: Click on Go -> Go to Folder and then enter path /etc
Step 2: Open HOSTS file via TextEdit or any text editing tools and then delete

How to Edit HOSTS File on Mac

How to Edit HOSTS File on Mac By Naim Hashmi:

Step 1: Click on Go -> Go to Folder and then enter path /etc
Step 2: Open HOSTS file via TextEdit or any text editing tools and then delete

How to Edit HOSTS File on Windows

How to Edit HOSTS File on Windows By Naim Hashmi:

Step 1: Launch Notepad or any text editing tool. Now, launch windows explorer or press Windows + E, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and then in ETC directory open HOSTS file with Notepad.
Step 2: Then just simply remove from your HOSTS file and then save it.

BookStore CSS

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Created by: Imran Ziad

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Installment Loans Bad Credit-

Installment Loans Bad Credit is a monetary services that individual can get hold of their stress free credit with easy settlement option. A bad creditor that is looking for the fiscal support for them it is has become the ideal solution. For further information about 12 Month Instalment Loans visit @

12 Month Loans Uk-

Individual who are suffering from the bad credit record basically for them   12 Month Loans Uk has been designed. It help individual in the hour of financial crisis. People having poor credit scores and doesn’t have capability to get rid of an emergency need of money at that time they can take help of it to fund higher education and consolidate the multiple debts. One can get money through this various competitive interest rates which guaranteed its affordability. In less span of time individual can get the cash immediately.

One of the features of this scheme is that it doesn’t include any credit checking for which people having bad credit scores without thinking much can apply for it. With help of this individual can pay off their debts on time by which they can enhance their financial status. In this one can easily avail money ranging from £5000-£25000 for a period varying between 5-25 years. It is long term in nature which provides individual to avail money at affordable interest rates. In this no restriction is imposed by lender regarding its use of money availed through this.

 Applicants who are adult permanent resident of UK engaged in job which will act as a stable source of income for them and besides of all these they should be holding valid checking account for smooth transaction of the money. It is unsecured in nature for which there is no requirement to do any pledging of collateral against borrowed amount with lender. In this individual without any paper work and free of obligation can apply for it online. The cost free way of applying for it through application method have provided individual much more comfort by which they without any wastage of time and effort can get the financial assistance.

The borrower can get multiple numbers of lenders online who are there to provide their service 24/7 and experts advise them to have a comparison among the lenders and find the best one who will provide the money with the friendly and affordable terms and conditions. This online application form include the filling of the form with basic details like the name, age, gender, contact details, phone number, and many more . Filling form with correct information it became easy for lender to provide their approval. As the application for it gets approved by the lenders then within few minutes the money demanded by the bower is transferred to their bank account. So apply for  Fast Cash Loans For Unemployed Fees and mend your bad credit scores as soon as possible.